Final Conference Report
A View
of Issues
before the United Nations in the 21st Century
The UNIMUNconferencebrought
together over 300 college and university students from 33 countries, to
recreate the General Assembly (GA), the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC),
the Security Council (SC), and a “Historical” Security Council (HSC) set
in 1956. UNIMUN was co-sponsored by the United Nations Department of Public
Information (UNDPI) and American Model United Nations, Inc. of Chicago,
Illinois. It was established as an official UNDPI Millennium
conference officially opened with speeches from keynote speaker and Deputy
Secretary-General Louise Fréchette, along with Salim Lone, Director
of the News and Media Division of UNDPI. Madame Fréchette welcomed
the students from around the world and reminded them that the UN is "[their]
United Nations."She challenged them
to keep in mind the reality that "nearly half the world's population lives
on less than $2 per day," when they deliberate. (Full text can be found
in UN Press Release DSG/SM/103.) When asked if she could pick one world
problem to solve with a “magic blue wand,” Madame Fréchette quickly
responded that she would find a cure for AIDS. The sincerity and seriousness
of her remarks set the tone for the conference. Mr. Lone welcomed the participants
on behalf of the UN Department of Public Information, the conference co-sponsor.
goal was to provide a highly realistic educational experience to the participants.
UN officials reviewed the rules and procedures, and UNIMUN chose topics
which will be considered at the upcoming Millennium Assembly. The students
then researched their assigned member states, the UN body on which they
would be seated, and the topics for their simulation. Participants were
also encouraged to contact the embassy of their assigned member state in
their home country or the appropriate Mission to the UN in New York.
is an interactive educational activity in which students simulate the workings
of the UN or one of its many organs, agencies or affiliated bodies. Each
year over 200,000 students on every continent participate in MUN activities.
UNIMUN, however, represents the first Model UN event at this level sponsored
by the United Nations.
a simulation of the UN, UNIMUN provided an opportunity for students
to both replicate the work of the UN and to view the problems facing the
international community from a unique perspective. For example, the quality
and tone of debate was at times dramatically different from the "real"
UN. Representatives at the UN, along with their consular staffs, spend
months in preparation, behind-the-scenes caucusing, and interacting with
other nations before an issue is brought to a vote. At UNIMUN, Representatives
had only three days to assume the role of their nation's Ambassador and
simulate the deliberations of the UN. This consolidation of time led to
many different circumstances with which students had to contend. Rather
than a prepared speech, Representatives had to verbally react to circumstances
as they arose, and make impromptu speeches based on their knowledge and
research. Students also made decisions on behalf of their member states
directly from the floor of the UN, a significant difference from the series
of consultations and instructions that happen between real UN Representatives
and their governments. Even with these variances UNIMUN deliberations covered
the issues before the UN systematically, thoroughly, and with a good view
of the workings of the international system.
Thursday, 10 August, UNIMUN activities began with
a day of briefings. The Stanley Foundation (Muscatine, IA) sponsored
the event and invited speakers to elaborate on the topics before the conference,
adding another level of realism to the simulated deliberations. Two Plenary
Sessions were held for all participants, along with two Break-out Sessions
with each simulation receiving briefings relevant to its topics of discussion
(note that the SC and HSC merged for their briefings). The distinguished
speakers were as follows:
to Sustainable Development
Messitte, UNDCCP
Desai, USG for Economic and Social Affairs
at the UN
Picco, GDP Associates
Ahmad Kamal, former PR of Pakistan to the UN
Assembly Sessions:
Wright, Canadian Mission to the UN
Vigie, UNMAS
Luck, NYU School of Law
Tharoor, Office of the Secretary-General
of Conflict/Peace and Development in Africa
Otunnu, USG and Special Representative
Children and Armed Conflict
Mortimer, Office of the Secretary-General
Rights of Children
Gururaja, UNICEF
Councils Sessions:
the SC Works-Behind the Scenes
Nancy Soderberg, US Mission to the UN (DPR)
Crossette, New York Times
before the SC - Democratic Republic of Congo
Laskaris, US Mission to the UN
Baldo, Human Rights Watch
document includes reports on each of the simulations at UNIMUN. Each report
is broken into four sections, as follows: the “Topics and Briefings” section
lists the topics available for discussion by that simulation, and provides
an overview of the substantive briefings given to that group at the Thursday
pre-meeting sessions. The “Meeting Coverage” section overviews what occurred
during the simulation, including discussion of documents and areas of interest
in the students’ discussions. The “Decisions” section briefly discusses
the final decisions or outcome reached by the students during each simulation.
Finally, the “Student Reflections” section provides a few comments from
students in the simulation, stating in their own words what they learned
about the UN and international diplomacy.
& Briefings:
Ed Luck (NYU School of Law) and Mr. Shashi Tharoor (Office of the Secretary-General)
talked about the problematic areas of peace keeping and the ways in which
they can be improved. Mrs. Ellen Wright (Canadian Mission) and Ms. Stephane
Vigie (UNMAS) covered the topic of landmines. Both presentations emphasized
the importance of cooperation between multiple UN organs as well as the
implementation of the Mine Action Policy of 1997. They also reiterated
the purpose of the Ottawa Landmine Treaty, which is “to ban all landmines
an hour-long caucus following the opening speeches, Representatives met
in their respective geographical blocs. The delegations of Sierra Leone,
Colombia and Pakistan submitted the first draft resolution. During this
time, the Western European and Others Group completed a second draft resolution
submitted by Italy, France and Turkey. The next few hours were spent building
consensus and combining the drafts into a single resolution.
main point discussed during informal debate concerned the dominating role
of the Security Council. Many member states proposed strengthening the
General Assembly by providing more flexible options to the UN decision-making
process and enabling faster reaction in peace keeping operations. In the
process of merging the two drafts, some new language emerged with which
many of the European sponsors disagreed. This caused a second round of
drafting and negotiations on the tone and specifics of how clauses should
be phrased. The intense deliberations eventually yielded a final document
as the Plenary moved to formal debate.
formal debate, the speaker’s list consisted of the primary sponsors and
regional bloc representatives. Chad, Yemen, Mexico, and Slovenia each emphasized
the sovereignty of nations, protection of human rights, as well as the
importance of peace keeping operations for many countries.
students agreed with the final resolution’s emphasis on a more flexible
decision-making process and a faster means for deploying peace keepers.
Many expressed the feeling that sustainable peace truly begins not with
a SC resolution to deploy forces, but instead with conflict prevention
measures. Others noted that the SC’s veto power is sometimes used as a
tool of foreign policy and not a means to best address some conflicts.
A student from Argentina, a country with a peace keeping training facility,
noted that peace keeping is a very privileged and prestigious role for
some in the military sector and this enthusiasm should be harnessed to
make UN operations more professional and better managed. Another student
from the same university was enthused that the world now had an opportunity
to change negative stereotypes, like that of armies as only “machines of
war.” He stated that by increasing the disaster assistance and peace keeping
capacities of ordinary soldiers, armies could become key players in both
conflict resolution and international development.
and Briefings:
to ECOSOC enjoyed briefings on their topics from four distinguished speakers.
Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Nitin Desai,
focused his comments on the diversity of Africa. He warned Representatives
about generalizing Africa’s problems, noting that issues like AIDS, extreme
weather, debt and the lack of economic diversity affect the 54 nations
of Africa and its various geographical regions differently. This need for
“specific remedies for specific problems” was also emphasized by Mr. Zach
Messitte of UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. Mr. Edward
Mortimer, a Principle Officer in the Office of the Secretary-General, discussed
the link between conflict and development. He pointed out how conflict
disrupts, and can even set-back, development and then summarized his comments
by stating, “If war is the worst enemy of development, healthy and balanced
development is the best form of conflict prevention.”
reference to Africa, Mr. Olara Otunnu, Under Secretary-General and Special
Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict,
pointed out the problems of Africa, such as mismanaged diversity, uneven
distribution of resources and the lack of strong positive democratic leadership.
In addressing the problem of children, Mr. Otunnu pointed out the importance
of “Children-to-Children Networks.” The program develops links between
those children fortunate enough to be educated and protected from health
and social ills with those unlike themselves in various parts of the world;
a process that contributes to the promotion of socio-economic development.
Sree Gururaja of UNICEF elaborated on the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, defined the age of a child as below 18, and noted that one third
of the world’s population meets this definition. She introduced the Representatives
to four principles of child development: non-discrimination, survival,
participation and education.
evening caucus session allowed the delegations to separate into blocs for
in-depth discussions and to develop proposals. Israel joined Europe to
discuss debt relief options. Africa and Asia composed ideas on providing
technology assistance to Africa. The Latin American countries focused on
the possibilities of African self-help, avoiding external intervention
while promoting regional cooperation. This bloc also discussed the similarities
between Africa and Latin America in areas including debt, poverty, the
legacy of colonialism and the special need for assistance to women and
informal debate resumed in the second session, there were many similar
working proposals on the floor. The views of various blocs began to coalesce,
and the myriad proposals moved into draft resolutions. To further aid in
the deliberations, Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, a former President of the Council,
returned for another presentation and a question and answer session. Following
this session, Amb. Kamal led the Representatives on a tour of the ECOSOC
chambers, including the Delegate’s Lounge where “much of the real work
gets done.” Energized and confident, the Representatives continued the
session. The Council divided itself into two working groups after noticing
that two draft resolutions were moving in different directions. One group
focused on economic issues while another addressed social and political
issues. Delegations with only one Representative picked one resolution
to work with and those with two split the duties. A few ambitious Representatives
with keen political interest in both issue groups ran back and forth, assuring
their policy initiatives were met and reporting on the status of the both
working groups.
and Briefings:
Representatives of SC and Historical SC joined together in the breakout
briefing sessions. Barbara Crossette, the UN correspondent for the New
York Times, discussed the varied arguments for expansion of the SC.
Noting that the SC has not been enlarged since the 1960’s, she discussed
how some want as many as 25 members, instead of the current 15, while others
want the addition of regional permanent members such as India or Brazil.
Still others call for those member statescontributing
more to the UN budget, like Japan and Germany, to get permanent seats.
She also reminded the Representatives that many countries feel that there
should be no “veto power” whatsoever. She stated that the SC has increased
its activity, meeting only 2-3 times per month in the 1970s to meeting
almost daily this year, but also noted that most SC activity still happens
behind closed doors.
Nancy Soderberg, US Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs,
spoke to the UNIMUN SC and HSC participants after just finishing a session
discussing the creation of a UN Tribunal in Sierra Leone with the (actual)
Security Council. On the issue of SC reform, the US recognized that having
only 15 members in the SC was not the most democratic means to address
security issues. She added they would like to see reform to the SC structure,
but noted that it will take time and creativity. The Ambassador stated
that peace keeping was the most important issue for the SC. Situations
in Ethiopia/ Eritrea, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of the
Congo are testing the means and effectiveness of peace keeping. She went
on to discuss that no one wants to deploy under circumstances like those
currently in Congo, where only a broken peace agreement exists.
Laskaris, of the US Mission to the UN and Suliman Baldo, of Human Rights
Watch expounded onthe situation
in Congo. Both discussed the role of neighboring countries as keys to ended
the situation and that the issues and history were complex and hinged on
regional politics. Both also said that even thought the situation seems
‘hopeless’ now, through persistent effort by the UN and vested parties
it is definitely solvable.
a proposal by the United States, members of the UNIMUN Security Council
voted unanimously to place the issue of Ethiopia/Eritrea on the agenda
for discussion. Background information presented on the political and humanitarian
aspects of the decade-old conflict reminded members of the embargo on arms
shipments contained in SC Resolution 1298 of 17 May 2000, of the request
by of Ethiopia and Eritrea for a UN peace keeping force to be sent to monitor
the ceasefire agreement of 18 June, and of SC Resolution 1312 of 31 July
2000 authorizing the UN Mission in Ethiopia/Eritrea (UNMEE). The USA Representative
emphasized how the humanitarian situation in Eritrea has worsened considerably
in recent months and that over 370,000 people have been displaced internally
and in neighboring states like Sudan.
the mediation of this situation the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
has played a large role, as has the Ambassador of Algeria. However, members
of the SC were asked to consider how to ensure that the cease-fire agreement
would be effectively monitored and the displacement of citizens would be
halted. Mali emphasized that this situation could not be compared with
that of Somalia, where armed conflict existed between hostile warlords,
whereas the situation in Ethiopia/Eritrea was about keeping the peace around
a defined zone where a viable ceasefire is already in place.
consultative session, Representatives of Ethiopia and Eritrea were invited
to speak to members of the SC. Both countries confirmed that they recognized
and agreed with the mandate of the United Nations in the form of SC Resolution
1312, both were willing to guarantee the safety and security of a UN mission
to the best of their ability, and both believed the OAU should also be
involved in any type of monitoring arrangement. Following this, the United
States proposed a draft resolution. Although there was a consensus for
resolving the issue of peace in Ethiopia and Eritrea, member states had
different concerns for the resolution. The US wanted to build consensus
and on numerous occasions asked other delegations to give their input for
the resolution. China expressed concern over protecting the sovereignty
of nations and emphasized the need to avoid “power politics.” Jamaica wanted
to focus more on humanitarian aid and was concerned with the issue of HIV/AIDS.
Clearing minefields was another issue that was brought up by numerous member
Tunisian Representative felt that it would be useful to listen to the OAU
as well on this situation. A Representative from the OAU was invited to
answer questions. Some of the questions included the utilization of regional
organizations and NGOs in the peace process. During the afternoon session,
as the draft resolution was being prepared, there was a request on the
floor for moving on with the topic and starting the new topic of Security
Council reform. China, Namibia, Netherlands, and Japan spoke in favor of
this request, others disagreed citing the utmost urgency on the issue of
Ethiopia and Eritrea. The motion did not pass.
key role in this simulation is that of the Simulation Director, a staff
member who moves the simulation along by introducing outside information
into the deliberations ofthe SC,
keeps the events as close to true history as possible, informs the participants
of actions taken by non-participants, and demonstrates the impact of their
actions on the situation.
and Briefings:
moving to the topic, the Council invited a representative of the office
of the Secretary-General to brief the Council on the military situation
in Gaza. The Council was informed that UNTSO observers were reporting numerous
violations of the GAA by both parties and that there had been interference
with shipping destined for Israel in the Straits of Tiran. Furthermore,
UNTSO reports placed Egyptian forces in control of the Gaza Strip, while
Israeli forces controlled the area to the East.
an informal gathering that evening, the Council members explored various
options for the situation in Gaza. An idea was put forth to place Gaza
under the Trusteeship system, with Egypt as the trustee nation. Egypt told
Council members that such a proposal would be unacceptable, as his government
viewed its territory as sovereign and inviolable. Israel joined the informal
discussions and told members that any violations of the armistice by Israel
were only done after repeated provocations by her neighbors and only to
protect Israel. Israel further stated that the only actions acceptable
to them were an immediate halt to Egyptian provocations.
the next meeting, the Council was informed that popular demonstrations
of support for the new Hungarian government had begun in both Hungary and
Poland. Soviet troops were reportedly out of their barracks and moving,
while members of the Polish government had expressed support for the new
Hungarian government. The Council at that point added the agenda topic
“Situation in Hungary,” but they did not choose to move to that topic.
At this time, Yugoslavia also attempted to have the Council add “The Situation
in Algeria” as a topic. After much deliberation, this effort failed
the Council’s next meeting, a report was received that Israeli forces had
crossed the armistice line into the Sinai Peninsula and were threatening
the Suez Canal. The Egyptian 3rd Army was expected to have only
a short period of time before it would be forced to surrender. The French
and British Governments immediately voiced their intent to reestablish
peace and the open functioning of the canal by introducing their own forces
into the region. This move was denounced by both the USA and the USSR.
after French and British forces had landed in the region. The Egyptian
government was reporting that Cairo had been bombed. The USSR announced
that it would not permit the collapse of the Egyptian army, and would embark
on an effort to relieve them if a compromise solution was not reached soon.
After consultations, the UK broached the idea of placing neutral forces
under the UN flag between the combatants. This suggestion, called “Anti-Combatant
Forces” (from third-party neutral UN member states) would separate the
French, British, Israeli and Egyptian forces to prevent a resumption of
hostilities when a settlement was negotiated. France retained reservations,
but negotiations began in earnest to reach agreement among all parties.
The situation became a race between the diplomats in the Council and the
Soviet troopships heading for Egypt. If a solution could be reached before
the Soviet forces arrived, a wider conflict could be avoided.
negotiations hit a stumbling block, however, when the French and Egyptian
Representatives disagreed over the wording of the resolution. France demanded
that the resolution remain vague on the withdrawal of combatants. Egypt
required more clarity on how and when foreign forces would be withdrawn
from its soil. While both were willing to move slightly, neither was willing
to move far enough to accommodate the other. Though other situations would
be discussed over the next few days, the Council would not formally move
from this topic at any point during the remainder of the simulation and
also passed no resolutions on the topic.
the Representatives did not precisely duplicate the UN’s experience in
1956, there was general agreement that the simulation served as a very
valuable learning process on the work of the Security Council in crisis
UN also offers significant support to all Model UN participants. The UN
website offers the CyberSchoolBus, with its Model UN Discussion Area and
“Infonation” sections. Many UN Information Centres, including Athens, Harare
and Mexico City among others, are actively assisting MUN initiatives with
research guidance and library access. A few are now co-sponsoring MUN conferences
with local organizations, such as UNIC London’s Model UN Summit this year.
International civil servants have often offered their services to help
students better understand diplomacy and the rules and procedures of the
UN. Also, many Foreign Affairs Ministries, Missions to the UN and embassies
are now offering Model UN participants excellent information through the
mail or over the internet. This increased interaction with the UN community
gives students the ability to correctly represent a member state’s foreign
policy in simulations. As Model UN has grown, so to has its support. UNIMUN
would like to thank all of those in the UN system, the diplomatic community,
and member state governments who are strengthening Model UN, as well as
making it a more academically and diplomatically correct simulation of
the world body.
2000 was made possible only through the exemplary work of our co-sponsors,
the United Nations Department of Public Information and American Model
United Nations, Inc. The Substantive Briefings were made possible by the
generosity of the Stanley Foundation and the efforts of Mr. David Shoor
and Ms. Joan Winship.
A special
thank you goes to:
H.E. Amb.
Agam Hasmy, Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations
H.E. Amb.
Ahmad Kamal, former Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United
H.E. Amb.
Louise Fréchette,
Deputy Secretary-General
Gillian Martin Sorensen, Executive Office of the SG
Jean Gazarian, UN Inst for Training and Research
Hiroko Kimura, UN Dept of Public Information
UNIMUN would
not have been possible without the support and efforts of:
Ms. Carolyn
Schuler Uluc, Ms. Vivian Bernstein, Ms. Lilli Schindler, Mr. Hasan Ferdous
and the entire
staff of the Public Services Section, UNDPI. Thank You
for Political Affairs
– Mary Beth Brennan
Services – Fred Warren, Klaudia Gonzalez, Chandra Morrison, Dan Wright
Secretariat – Michael Eaton, Caroline Endless*, Paul Sevigny
– Brian Endless*, Chris Jenkins, Ursula Knorr
– Gregory Adams*, Tricia Williamson, Oliva Ricalde*, Don Carey, Christine
– Robert Paramore, Adam Wolfe*, Anastasia Dogaeva*, Sonja Hird*
– Eric Hutson, Stacy Short, Shozo Shiraiwa*
report was produced by the UNIMUN Department of Public Information
– Anthony Hogan (USG)*,
Hashem Bajwa*, Gina Marie Flores*, Barbara Marschik*, Mahtab Farid*, Maria
Fernanda Olmedo*, Sherry Stephenson* and Sonja Taylor*.
(UNIMUN Executive Committee members
in bold)(*
indicates contributors to this Conference Report)
This report
was prepared by UNIMUN 2000 Secretariat.For
more information please visit the UNIMUN website at
or e-mail
or write to UNIMUN at 5005 West Winona, Chicago, IL 60630 USA.